Tu B'Shevat is here, it’s the birthday of the trees!

What a fun week we had planting and learning all about Tu B'Shevat. We know in the winter months the trees begin their new growth. We discussed how a tree changes and grows throughout the seasons.

We know a small seed from an apple can create a whole apple tree! We say thank you to Hashem for making rainfall and trees grow. It rained all week but that's ok because we know that the trees need water. When it wasn't raining we got to do Taekwondo with Coach Anthony.

We know trees give us so many things! Fruit and Vegetables, shade, oxygen, homes for animals, paper and wood just to name a few.

We worked together to make large trees and we made our own individual tree art. It was messy work but it was fun work!
We created flower crowns, they were so beautiful and we loved showing them off!

We painted our own pots so nice, planted succulents and seeds, and mixed soil.
We discussed the 7 kinds of fruits that are special to Israel and had a fun tasting party. Pomegranates, Grapes, Olives, Figs, Dates, Wheat, and Barley.

We decorated the trees birthday cake with special goodies and had a birthday celebration at snack time.
Not only did we celebrate the tree's birthday this week, we got to celebrate Emma's 5th birthday with her as well!

Words of the Week
Tu B'Shevat
Ask your child
Whose birthday was it this week?
What do trees give us?
Why are they important?
How does a tree grow?