This has been a sweet week here in BJP. We have been discussing and learning about the birthday of the world. We know there are many customs for Rosh Hashana. We wish eachother Shana Tova. We are making special drip trays for us to place our honey jars on Rosh Hashana.

We focused on dipping the apple in honey and know we do that to have a sweet New Year. We focused on many apple activities this week! We measured ourselves to see how many apples we were tall.
We created a Rosh Hashanah sensory bins where we scooped and poured with red rice and apples.
We used STEM and created our own apple structures made from toothpicks. This was an experiential lesson in science, engineering and math.
We did an apple tasting test and graphed what our favorite apple flavor was.
We did apple picking and placed apples on our "tree" and then picked the color apples we liked best.
We did a math apple sorting where we used our fine motor skills to pick up apples with tweezers and put them in the correct colored apple container.
We started painting our Rosh Hashana projects.
We painted "honeycombs" and will turn them into necklaces next week when we continue learning all about Bees and honey!
We know about eating pomegranates and carrots. We had fun cutting and tasting apples. We graphed which ones our favorite flavor.
We made Pomegranate slime and did a stem challenge with apples and toothpicks.
We are making Rosh Hashana cards and our very own Shofars to enjoy at home.
We are practicing all the Rosh Hashana songs and singing the Aleph bet every single day. We started learning our Hebrew letters. Last week we focused on Alef and this week we practiced the Bet. We will begin our handwriting without tears letter writing program in the upcoming weeks as well.
We had music and playball and a grand Shabbat Circle outdoors. We look forward to next week when we learn all about bees and continue our lessons on Rosh Hashana.