We had a wonderful week learning and celebrating Tu B'Shvat. We made nature wands from leaves that we picked from out nature walk last week.

We drew portraits and painted trees.
We enjoyed exploring and investigating the insides of different fruits from a tree and their seeds.
We did a taste test while blindfolded to see if we could guess what we were eating and what bracha it was.
We learned all about the 7 species of Israel (Sheva Haminim), which are the foods that are listed in the Torah and we tasted them. Wheat, barley, dates, figs, grapes, pomegranate, and olives.
We made cupcakes and sang happy birthday to the trees!
We had so much fun gardening in our sensory bins.
We learned about the different parts of a flower.
We crushed chalk and mixed it with water to make beautiful Monet inspired art.
We drew pictures and wrote our dreams just like Martin Luther King Jr. said in his speech.
We focused on the Hebrew letter Nun and Final Nun. We know Nun is called Nosey Nun and had fun trying on the Nun noses.
We focused on the letters Nn and created colorful noodle necklaces that we colored ourselves.
We enjoyed music with Morah Robyn.
We always love having playball with Coach Anthony.
This week is Shabbos Shira, a time to feed and celebrate the birds. We made bird feeders with peanut butter and pine cones to hang outside for them.
We ended our amazing week with a big Shabbat Party and challah baking.
Shabbat Shira Shalom!