Thank you to all the parents for joining us at back to school night this week. Partnering with you is the best way to see tremendous progress in raising the next generation.

We enjoyed celebrating Rosh Hashana with all things sweet and now we get ready for the Day of Atonement, a day we focus on G-d and promise to uplift our fellow man. We have swept away our wrong doings, and practiced our broom skills. We have learned about the story of Yona where we know we can never hide from G-d.
We are exploring the concept of scales, reflecting on balance and harmony in our lives. Through fun activities, we are discovering how to weigh different objects, symbolizing the importance of self-reflection and growth during this meaningful time. The concept of "tipping the scale for good" relates to the belief that our actions can influence the world positively. We emphasized the fact that each person , adult and child alike, has an individual responsibility to contribute to a collective positive change.
We had so much fun in Yoga and Music class this week!
We are also getting ready for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot. We practiced our hammer skills to get ready to build our Sukkahs.
We investigated citrus fruit and learned all about the Etrog. We also did an amazing experiment with a lemon and watched the explosion.
We looked at different branches and discussed the lulav too. We painted with schach and used schach to go on top of our play doh sukkahs. We know we will be sitting under a sukkah with schach on top and shaking our lulav and etrog to celebrate the joyous holiday of Sukkot while remembering the time G-d took care of us in the desert when we left Egypt.
We practiced alphabet and our Alef bet and reviewed our letters with magnets.
Gmar chatima tova, may you be sealed for all good things this year.