This week, we started with creating rain clouds by applying shaving cream on top of a jar filled with water and adding watercolor paints using pipettes. The children were surprised to discover how the watercolor paints made a rainbow effect.
Bubble art was a bubbly activity. The children were given a bowl with dish soap, water, watercolor paints and a straw. We blew bubbles through the straw and as the bubbles arose, they immediately made a print on paper. The prints brought on colorful circles.
We again put our outdoor easel to great use. We did our ice painting on butcher paper with small blocks of colored ice. The children loved the coolness that it felt on their hands and observed how the ice melted while they painted.
We made sweet yummy brownies. We also changed one of the ingredients, we used applesauce rather than eggs. Our brownies turned out really well and we ate it for our afternoon snack. What a lovely treat!
CGI campers had awesome trips to Kid Space and Dojoboom. Kids Space connected the campers to wonders and discoveries. The children climbed different types of structures, went through a human sized ant tunnel, fishing in a sand lake and discovering fossils. Dojoboom helped develop their gross motor and aerial skills while jumping on different types of trampolines, walking on a tightrope, hanging on a trapeze, going through a ninja warrior course and swinging on a rope swing.
The children also engaged themselves with provocations such as, making bowls with yarn, creating mezuzahs using clay, salt dough handprints, DIY pink soda, yogurt lollipops, cinnamon buns, and writing their names in Hebrew.
This week we did dance with Morah Lexi and it was a blast. We learned to jump, skip and balance our entire body.
It’s always lovely to end our week being all together in the Shul with a festive Shabbat Party, singing Shabbat songs and a bit of dancing. Oh, let’s not forget about making challah with every bit of our love poured into it!
Our topic and goal for this week is to spread bundles of love all round us. We talked about how love is the act of caring and giving to someone else. Having someone’s best interest and well-being becomes part of our life, and to truly love others as a selfless act. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, affection and trust. We integrated what love is in all of our provocations presented this week.
We also had so much fun celebrating Sophia's birthday today!
Spread LOVE to all and have a LOVELY weekend!
Shabbat Shalom!