We had such a great week finishing up our unit on Noach and the Teiva (Noah’s Ark).

We played with rain, clouds, rainbows, colors, animals and boats all week!
We had a very fun visit with a dog for the letter D. Julianas mommy came and brought their new 8 week old puppy into Kita Daled. The children loved holding and hugging him.
In Kita Bet we made amazing rain sticks. The children colored rice and squished tinfoil to create the special sound rain makes inside the tube they decorated.
This week we loved playing in the animal sensory bins, scooping and pouring our green grass (rice) .
We also loved having water in our sensory bins and we had so much fun trying to catch the rain!
This week we celebrated Rivka's birthday! We love Friday’s when we get to make challah and have a great big Shabbos Party.