Week 9 was oh so fine! This week we talked about living through joy! Bring simcha ( joy) into our world! We know that everything comes from Hashem so don’t worry be happy!
Monday we did an experiment with eggs. We took 3 eggs in water, vinegar, and soda. We know soda destroys the color just like it does to our teeth! Vinegar takes the shell away completely and water doesn't change our egg at all.
We loved sliding down the water slides!
Tuesday we made slime with shaving cream and glue to mush and squish. We always love swimming with our friends.
Wednesday we made a tree of life with colored buttons and gems.
We also had a wonderful visit from Mr. Science where we discovered what it’s like to be a bird! We used pretend beaks to try to eat and then we worked on making our own nest!
Thursday was fun making and baking cupcakes!
We had such a fabulous summer it’s hard to believe that Friday was our last Shabbos party and challah baking of summer 2021! Looking forward to when the school year begins in September! Till next time Camp Gan Izzy! We will do it all again Summer 2022!!!