This week, we focused on Yitzchak and Rivkah’s twin babies, Yaacov and Eisav. Even though they came from the same parents, they were so different! We explored the concept of "same and different" throughout the week.
We learned that Eisav fought his way out first and was therefore set to receive the birthright blessing from his father. However, Yaacov made a lentil soup, and Eisav traded his birthright for a delicious bowl of it! Inspired by the story, we chopped vegetables and made our own lentil soup this week.
We also had fun scooping and playing with lentils.
We've been enjoying the unique style of artist Andy Warhol. We noticed how he repeated the same print, and we created our own strawberry-themed art in his style. We also designed original works of art featuring pictures of our faces!
We are excitedly preparing projects for our Dads & Doughnuts event coming up next Friday, February 7. Mark your calendars, Dads!
For the Hebrew letter Lamed, we squeezed lemons and made fresh lemonade.
For the letter Mm, we explored magnets.
We loved having Morah Benny visit for music this week! He taught us how the ukulele and guitar are similar yet different, and we even got a chance to play them ourselves!
We were also thrilled to meet a new animal in Animaly! We learned all about the chinchilla and it lives in nature, what it eats, and how it behaves. It's the softest animal in the world. We even got to touch it—and sometimes hold it!
As always, we ended our wonderful week with a grand Shabbat Party and challah baking!