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In The Beginning Hashem Created The Heavens and The Earth

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Wow! The Hebrew month of Tishrei flew by. We celebrated so many Jewish holidays in the last month it’s hard to believe our next holiday isn’t until Thanksgiving and Chanukah.

Cap It!

We are so excited to start our Hebrew letter program called “Cap It” this week.

We know the first letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is Alef. The Alef makes all the sounds in the Hebrew alphabet when the vowels (nekudot) are placed near it, but now we learn it makes no sound.

Handwriting Without Tears

We also began our Handwriting Without Tears program to learn our Alphabet.

We spoke about the letter A and what words start with an A. We used many different methods to make our A. We used gems, play doh, buttons, and rocks.

In the Beginning...

We are learning about Bereshit, Creation. We know Hashem created the world in 6 days and on the 7th day Hashem rested and that is Shabbat.

(click the arrows to view slideshow)

This week we focused on light and dark for Day 1 and separating the sky and water for Day 2.

We used flashlights and black material to create night and have been learning the Hebrew words Ohr (light) and Choshek (dark).

We did some cool science experiments! We used zip lock bags filled with paint and gel to separate the water from the sky. We also used pipettes to separate the water and sky with blue water color and shaving cream.


We were so happy to be back in school and see all our friends!

We're building such strong muscles learning how to throw...

and how to jump...

and how to swing!

A very special Happy Birthday to Eden! We had so much fun celebrating with you!

Words of the Week:



Light (Ohr)

Dark (Choshek)

Sky (Shamayim)

Water (Mayim)

Ask Your Child:

What did Hashem make on day 1?

What did Hashem make on day 2?

What sound does the Aleph make?

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