We loved learning all about Sukkot and Simchat Torah this week.
We know that just sitting inside a sukkah our whole body does a mitzvah! We made small Sukkot in our classroom playing with small blocks and leaves from our garden as schach. The branches we use to make a roof in our sukkah. We know we use this so we can see the stars when we look up.
We also built our own Sukkot out of wood and logs, and our own schach!
We practiced shaking the lulav and etrog and discussed dancing with the Torah on Simchat Torah.
We created the most beautiful Sukkot decorations to hang in our Sukkot.
We decorated flags because we know it’s a tradition to take our Torahs on parade! We celebrate the finishing of reading the Torah and start back reading from the very beginning. We look forward to learning all about Bereshit when we return.
We had Music with Morah Robin this week!
We had Playball and always love practicing with Coach Anthony!
We had Animaly and learned all about geckos!
We celebrated Shabbat by baking Challah & a school wide Shabbat Party.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!