The time has come and we are learning all about Pesach! The story of our freedom from slavery. The time when we celebrate all the miracles Hashem has done for us, and still does.
We know Moshe was a baby born at a special time when Pharoh was trying to control the boy population because his stargazers told him there would be a Jewish boy born soon who will take the Jews out of slavery. We took amazing pictures of our friends in a Moshe basket for our Haggadah we’re working on.
We spoke about how the Mitzrim (Egyptians) had very different lifestyles than the Jewish people and tried to tell us what to do and we had to work so hard for them without getting paid.
We painted and built Pyramids to learn about Mitzrayim (Egypt). We know this is one of the special landmarks that you can see today in Egypt.
We know there were many plagues that Hashem sent to the Mitzrim because they were not nice to the Jews. We played with some of the plagues in our sensory bin.
We know Moshe was such a great leader and Hashem chose him to lead us out of Mitzrayim. We took adorable pictures dressed as Moshe grown up leading the people out of slavery for our Haggadah.
We started learning about the Seder and played with Seder plates.
We started learning about the many steps of the Seder. There are 14 of them and we practiced dipping the karpas in salt water and we mixed our very own salt water.
We also spoke about the crunchy matzah we eat and break in half for the afikomen.
We painted a huge Kotel wall because we know when we were freed from slavery in Egypt we went straight to Israel, our Holy Land. We took pictures in front of this beautiful special holy landmark as well.
We focused on learning about the Hebrew letter Pay (for Pesach!) and the English letter A.
Wishing Aryeh a very happy birthday!
We are looking forward to creating a beautiful Haggadah for you to use at your Seder this year.
Shabbat Shalom!