It has been a wonderful week here in BJP. We are enjoying getting to know all our new friends and Morahs and loving being back with our routines and structure. We have been speaking all about Hashem (Gd) this week. We know that in the Hebrew month of Elul, which we just started, it is time to work hard at doing more (good deeds) Mitzvot before the Jewish new year (Rosh Hashana) is upon us. Rabbi came into our classrooms this week to blow the shofar and we played with and explored Shofars.
It is our custom to hear the shofar everyday to wake us up and remind us to do more Mitzvot. We blew Shofars and made bubbles and with those bubbles created beautiful paintings.
We have been talking about the “King is in the Field.” We learned about different types of fields and investigated wheat, grains, barley and rice that grow in the field as well because in the Jewish month of Elul, Hashem (the King) is in the field, ready to talk to us.
We read “The Invisible book,” and discussed how we can’t see Hashem but he’s always here and attainable, not high up in the sky. We also read the story “Where are you Hashem?” and know Hashem is everywhere. We enjoyed a science experiment and watched “elephant toothpaste” stretch up to connect to Hashem too.

We continued working on our self portraits. We look in the mirror and draw what we see.
We used slime and practiced our scissor skills.
We focused on a new French artist named Marcel Mouly. We used wheat stalks to paint as brushes.
We reviewed our letters with shaving cream discovery and matching letters to the corresponding sounds.

We had a wonderful grand Shabbat party all together and Animaly came and brought us a bearded dragon to see and learn about!