This week we learned all about Rabbi Akiva. We learn from him how important being kind to one another is.
We learned Rabbi Akiva was already a grown up when he started learning the Alef Bet and began learning Torah. He became a great scholar and taught many students.
We know how important friendships are and we spoke all week about being a good friend.
We read a wonderful story called "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud. We know saying nice things, giving a smile, and including friends in our play makes not only our friends happy, but us happy too!
We worked together to create friendship quilts, friendship bracelets, and played games including our friends.
(click arrows to view slideshow)
We love working on our artistic talents and this week our Nefesh and Neshama pods learned about two great artists, Henry Matisse and Andy Wahrhol.
We have been counting the Sefirat Ha'Omer daily and practicing our counting in anticipation for Shavuot and look forward to next week when we learn all about Lag B'Omer.
Words of the Week
Ask Your Child
How can you be a bucket filler?
What did Rabbi Akiva teach us?
How can you be a good friend?